Way of Shopping Nowadays

Porapak Apichodilok from Pexels We see that Nowadays the shopping system is totally changed. There was a time when we use to buy things in the return of the things (i.e. products). Whenever a person has to buy some product he went to the market with something that he produced (i.e. A farmer will carry grain, rice, and pulses, etc.) and give it to the seller in return for the product he took from the seller, this was called the batter system. But this procedure was not very efficient because A person has to carry some weight with him in order to buy something from the market, time passes, and then comes the currency. it provided an ease to the people from carrying weight with them. in order to purchase something from the market, A person should have some local currency with him to buy the goods. The local currency was the coins in the start that were made of some kind of metal. Time passes and humans made the new invention of notes that were made of paper. Currency Notes made...