Subject and Predicate

Subject and Predicate

Basics  :

Alphabets: → 26 letters.

A, B, C, D …………… Z.

Consonants: 21 ( Except vowels).

Vowels: 5 ( a,e,i, o,u ).

Focuses on sounds.

Letters🠚 Words 🠚Sentences🠚  Speech 

Subject and Predicate

Every complete sentence contains two 


A:  a Subject.

B:  a Predicate.

The subject is what (or whom) the sentence 

is about,

while the predicate tells something about 

the subject.

“The cat is sleeping in the sun”

the word The cat is the subject. 

A predicate is the part of a sentence, or a 

clause, that tells what the subject is doing or 

what the subject is.

Is sleeping in the sun is Predicate.

“My father fixed the dryer”.

My father is subject.

Fixed the dryer is Predicate.

❖Subject contains:

a noun, object or a pronoun.

❖Predicate contains:

a main verb ( action )


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